Questions about my card draws

Welcome to frequently asked questions. Well, frequently asked... that's putting it mildly! In fact, it's pretty well classified and indexed to help you find the solution you're looking for, since it's the top questions asked about my card readings and my site in general.

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1. Technical questions

Yes, absolutely. You can draw the cards with just about any device connected to the internet as long as it has an internet browser such as Safari, Chrome, , Firefox etc. You can therefore draw the cards from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also draw cards from your connected TV, or launch a draw from a games console.

Remember: you don't need to install any applications. All you need is a good modern web browser (usually already installed by default on your device).

I've never tried it, but it's certainly also possible to connect and draw cards from a food processor or connected fridge! In short, my prints have been designed to adapt to all devices, not the other way round.

If you'd like to try it out, don't hesitate to run a daily draw to check that your device is working properly.

As my readings work with all browsers, you can choose the one you prefer: Safari, Chrome or Opera.

However, you can also use a standards-compliant browser like Firefox, which will also protect your privacy.

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Reputable, recognized, almost universal and flawless. What's more, you can pay directly via MasterCard without having to register.

To avoid any data controversy, all payments are outsourced and made off-site.

A dedicated page lets you find out about our prices.

A quiet, serene place, a secluded room, a few candles, a good armchair or a comfortable sofa. Above all, keep away from noise so that you can concentrate better on the answers and also ...

Wait a minute, I've already written a whole page on how to organize a fortune-telling session and make yourself as comfortable as possible. You should take a look at it to learn all the little tricks that make a card reading session a success.

2. About subscription

In 99% of cases, the e-mail is sent... but it arrives in your 'junk' mailbox.

illustration d'une enveloppe représentant un email ne pouvant franchir un panneau car considéré comme du SPAM

Depending on the service you use, this junk mailbox may have different names: 'SPAM', 'JUNK'. Check that the e-mail containing your PIN code is not in it.

In 99% of cases, it's the password that's entered incorrectly.

  • 1. If copy and paste doesn't work, try entering your password manually. I know it's time-consuming, but you won't have to do it again next time.
  • 2. if it still doesn't want to log in, request a new password.

If you follow these 2 steps, you're sure to be able to log in in less time than it takes to write it!

It happens so often to me too. And worse, sometimes it's the keys or the cell phone!

Fortunately, it's very easy to find your password here, because all you have to do is request it and wait a few minutes to receive it directly in your mailbox.

It's really unfortunate because you can't do much on the Internet without a mailbox.

Mind you, I don't see how we could do it any other way, as I'd have to secure your account and send you access codes to be able to log on - it's a bit like the cat biting its own tail, poor thing.

The good thing about the Internet is that you can set up a mailbox very quickly. You can go to Gmail, Hotmail and all that, but if I were you, I'd prefer to make my data a little more secure, so I'd go for a privacy-protecting provider like Protonmail, for example, which offers free e-mail creation and encrypts all information. It only takes 2 minutes to create a mailbox, and then you're in the draw as if you were there!

Serious online card reading. is a website specialized in online card reading. A genuine application dedicated to cartomancy, this website allows you to consult the cards on the internet, without installing anything on your computer or smartphone, using methods specially adapted for the web with cards drawn from the Petit Jeu Lenormand or the Tarot de Marseille.

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